You may think an ultrasound is unnecessary if you plan on terminating your pregnancy. However, to protect your health, it is important to have an ultrasound performed for a few reasons.
To confirm pregnancy:
A pregnancy test may give a false positive for multiple reasons, including:
-user error
-recent pregnancy
-early miscarriage
-certain medications that contain hCG
-certain underlying conditions on this list

2. To determine if your pregnancy is viable:
10-20% of pregnancies end in natural miscarriage. Ruling out miscarriage by ultrasound can prevent an unnecessary abortion procedure and the risks associated.
3. To rule out ectopic pregnancy:
When a fertilized egg implants outside of the uterus, it is referred to as an ectopic pregnancy. This condition can be life-threatening, and the treatment for an ectopic pregnancy differs from an abortion.
An ultrasound is an important step in your pregnancy decision process.
The Alight Center offers ultrasound referrals to local medical providers. Give us a call to get started today: 518-822-9008

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